SCORE AND THE CITY - podcast o muzyce filmowej

SCORE AND THE CITY - podcast o muzyce filmowej

The great beauty – Rebekka Karijord on „Songs of Earth” (EN) - SATC #116

Pobierz: MP3 | AAC | OGG | OPUS

'Songs of Earth' opened the 63rd Krakow Film Festival and received universal acclaim from both audiences and critics. This beautiful documentary, written and directed by Margreth Olin and executively produced by Wim Wenders and Liv Ullman, has been called ‘a majestic symphony for the big screen’. It's a dialogue between an intimate family story and nature. Between images and sounds. With a score that ties it all together.

Meet Rebekka Karijord, a Norwegian composer and musician, known for a documentary film ‘I Am Greta’ and a drama thriller ‘All The Old Knives’. A woman with a gift for telling stories. An artist who needs nature to make music…

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